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Image by Nik Shuliahin

The Respected, Angry Knight

Reason for session: Why can't I have deep sleeps? Why am I such a light sleeper?


Past Life Shown: He was shown a past life where he was a well respected knight. He was high up in the ranks, and lived in a room in the castle of the king that he protected. He wore heavy, metal armor, a helmet, and carried around a large sword that he was very good at wielding. His job was to protect, and he was well respected by the king, the other guards, and the townspeople. One day, he was walking in town, and saw a woman who was in the middle of the square at a fountain, cleaning clothes.  He stopped dead in his tracks, and couldn't focus on anything but her.  As days passed, he finally approached her.  The way he described her, he was in complete awe while he described her beauty and her presence.  They fell in love.  He had left the kings guard to settle down, and live a quiet life with his family in the forest. Life was going really well. He hunted for food, loved his wife, and enjoyed his 3 children.


Fast forward to an important day. There is a new king. This king loses control of the people. He isn't a very good king, and the people don't respect him. In a rebellious rage, the townspeople went around causing havoc. One night when the knight should have been sleeping, he was awake. That night, the townspeople set fire to his house in the forest with his wife and children sleeping in their beds. Because he was awake, he was able to get them out of the house in time for nobody to get hurt. As his wife wept beside him, and his young children wrapped around their legs, they watched their home burn to the ground, not being able to do anything about it. The anger he felt inside of him took over. He went to the king, hand on his sword, ready to draw and fight. The king scolded him for his behavior, and the knight was thrown into the dungeon for a few days. He was later let out. He took his family, and moved away to find a new home.


The Subconscious: When the subconscious was called forward, I asked why it chose to show my client that specific past life. It said that because the knight in that life wasn't sleeping when the townspeople set fire to his home, he was able to get his family out in time. He saved them. He now carries this into this life because he feels a strong need to protect his family. The need comes from a deeper place, stemming from the past life. I asked the Subconscious if this could be healed and let go. It responded with no. Only the client can decide that, as he is choosing this. He wants this. He is choosing to not sleep at night in an attempt to keep his family safe. 


We also found out through the Subconscious that his wife in that past life, is the same wife in this life.  They are soul mates, and have chosen to reincarnate together very often.  After my client woke up, he said the woman that he saw looked very similar to his wife in this life now, with minor differences.  


My client now had the answers to his question, and received even more information than he had expected.  

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