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QHHT - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

BQH - Beyond Quantum Healing

What is it?

It is a form of past life regression through a gentle hypnosis, that allows us to explore past lives and speak with our subconscious.  The past lives that we are shown will always correlate to experiences we are having in our current life.  It is a way to find answers, and healing.  The information that comes through is from the deepest part of us that is normally hard to communicate with on a conscious level, called our subconscious (or higher self).  The hypnosis session itself is incredibly gentle and relaxing.  It is not like the hypnosis that a lot of us think it is.  It feels like a self guided meditation, with myself as your guide.


The difference between QHHT and BQH is simply one is done in person, and the other can be done online through Zoom.  Both provide incredible information and exactly what you need.

Subconscious/Higher Self


Your subconscious (also know as your higher self) is this ultimate, divine, powerful, loving energy that resides in all of us that holds all the knowledge.  Trying to help show us the way, it is constantly giving us messages and guidance.  Because of our conscious minds, we get distracted by the world we are living in, and can't always hear those messages.  Through QHHT and BQH, we can dive deep beneath your conscious mind, and communicate with your higher self.  Think of your subconscious as your own ultimate Google.  It knows everything about you, all your past lives, why you are here, why you chose to reincarnate on Earth, why your relationships are the way they are, why you are experiencing physical or emotional pain, and more.  It holds all the answers to your questions.  When you come in for a session, I ask you to provide up to 10 questions that you can ask.  The most common questions that come in relate to:

 - Health/Healing

- Purpose/Career

- Relationships

- Spirituality/Self

- Finances/Career

- Unusual or Synchronistic Events

- Phobias

Anything can be explained, and the best questions are usually the ones that seem "out there", so don't be afraid to ask what is truly on your mind.  Each question you have will be treated with the upmost respect, and love.  There is no judgement, and of course, any personal information that you share stays between us.  You choose who and what you want to tell to others.


Open Book
Natural Stationary

Answers & Healing

When your subconscious comes through...

Everyone experiences something different when their subconscious comes through.  Some feel their body get really warm, some get cold, some explain a tingly sensation over their body, and some have told me they felt this incredible force of pure love.  However your subconscious comes in, it is always gentle and loving.  It is very protective of you, and will only provide information, answers and healing if it believes it will help you in your current life path.  Some healing that has taken place for my clients:


  • emotional releases

  • unblocking of energy flow

  • muscle stretching and healing

  • repairing knee joints with light

  • headache releases

  • pain reduction of arthritis in the hands

  • released energy that was causing nightmares

  • healing of lower back pain using energy


Each person has always received some form of healing.  If there is something in the body that we have asked the subconscious to heal, and it says "no", it will always provide a reason.  

Enjoying Nature




QHHT sessions are conducted in the same way that Dolores Cannon had done them (for information on the beautiful soul of Dolores Cannon, please visit  BQH sessions are conducted very similar to QHHT except they are done online through Zoom instead of in person. Sessions can take anywhere from 4 - 6 hours.  The whole day is dedicated to you, to ensure you receive everything you possibly can out of your session. 


The first couple hours are meant for us to get to know each other. This will allow me to answer any questions you may have about the hypnosis part itself, to learn what is important to you, and to discuss the questions you have brought to ask your subconscious.  The better I get to know you and understand your questions, the greater the session will be.  This will teach me what to listen for while you are under hypnosis, and will guide me in what additional questions I could ask that would benefit you.   I want you to get everything you can out of this session.


After our pre-talk, we will get right into your session!  I have a cozy bed for you to relax in during the session, and if we are working together online, you will be a nice cozy spot in your own home.  We will then begin the hypnosis, which feels like a gentle, guided meditation.  You will feel incredibly relaxed the entire time.  You will be talking and explaining to me what you are seeing in your mind.  I will record your session so you can re-listen to it as often as you like.  Some people remember the whole thing, and others remember bits and pieces, which makes the recording a nice thing to have.  We don't want you to miss out on anything! 


After we explore 1 - 3 of your past lives, we will call forth your subconscious.  This is where the magic happens.  Your subconscious is full of infinite knowledge hiding just beneath the surface of your conscious mind.  It has such loving advice for you, and so much information it wants you to know!  It is truly your biggest cheerleader in this life you are living now.  This is where we find out why it chose to show you the past lives it did, and how it relates to experiences and instances that are happening in your life now.  This is also where I get to ask your questions, and receive answers and advice that is tailored specifically for you, by you!  Your subconscious is also what does the healing, if it feels it's appropriate.   Healing can be in the form of emotional release, pent up energy flushes, clearing out "junk" that isn't doing you any good, physical healing, and more.  Your subconscious is such a loving, powerful force, and it wants to help you in any way it can.


After your session, we will take some time to sit and talk about the things that you saw, and clear anything up that you may be wondering about.  We can also go over what was healed, and what to expect in the coming days (more vivid dreams, a strong link to your subconscious, how to contact it on your own, etc.) 


I truly believe that every single person should have at least one session in their life.  The amount of understanding, love, and healing that is achieved in one session alone is absolutely incredible.  You are worthy of this, and you deserve it!

The Session

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